USC MEDesign would like to invite you to our bi-annual symposium for the fall 2023 semester!
MEDesign is an organization that consists of multi-disciplinary student-led design teams. These teams address unmet medical need areas by engineering healthcare solutions. We aim to provide students from all backgrounds with hands-on medical device design experience by offering technical workshops and speaker events, entering medical device design competitions, participating in medical make-a-thons, and taking on independent medical device projects.
At the symposium, design teams will formally present their progress from this past semester, ranging from the research of their selected medical needs area to any potential solution they have been considering.
Feel free to join virtually on Zoom or in-person if you’re interested in learning more!
USC MEDesign Bi-Annual Symposium
Monday, November 20th | 6-8 PM
Location: Hybrid
Room: THH 101
Zoom: https://usc.zoom.us/j/96076998626?pwd=VVYzQ1RRTkJ3TUdqZHMrZHBEN09OZz09
Published on November 26th, 2023Last updated on November 26th, 2023