How does registration work at Viterbi?
Prior to registering for courses, Viterbi students must:
- Meet with their academic advisor for a mandatory advising appointment to identify next semester’s courses. Once you have met with an advisor, your advising hold will be lifted.
- Check their permit to register time. This can be found in Web Registration and shows the time that you are able to register for courses. Registration stays open from this time until the the add/drop deadline.
- Check for cleared courses. Students should be cleared for the courses they have discussed with their advisor, but it is always a good idea to check in Web Registration. Students can find cleared courses by selecting “My Info” and “Cleared Sections”. Please note that only courses that require d-clearance will appear.
- Create a schedule. Students can create a schedule prior to their registration time and submit it on or after their registration time.
Enrollment Issues & Special Permissions
- Pre-Engineers should follow the pre-engineering process outlined here.
- If you are a freshman, meet with your current declared advisor or undeclared advisor to lift your mandatory advisement hold.
- Attend drop-in hours from 3-4pm Monday-Friday in RTH 110 for any additional questions.
Computer Science
- All pre-engineers must begin with CSCI 102, unless you have earned a 4 or 5 on AP Computer Science A or at least a 5 on the IB Computer Science exam, in which case you can begin in CSCI 103.
- Students can submit d-clearance requests using the button below.
Taking Summer Courses at another Institution
Many students choose to take math or science classes at a local community college over the summer. Please note that GE’s and writing courses must be taken at USC. If you take a math or science course outside of USC that also carries GE credit (i.e. PHYS 151, CHEM 105A, BISC 220) you will not earn the GE credit. Be sure to check with your advisor to see which courses would be good options for you.
If you are planning to take a course at a California Community College, you can view articulation agreements here to find an equivalent course. If you are planning to take a course outside of California or at a 4 year institution, you can use an articulation history site to find an equivalent course. *Not all transferable courses will be listed here.
- Summer courses must be pre-approved. You can access the pre-approval form on MyUSC > OASIS > Course Transfer.
- Check your TCR after you submit your request to make sure the course is equivalent before you enroll (follow the instructions outlined here).
- You can submit multiple pre-approvals while you are exploring classes. You are not locked into taking a class once you submit a pre-approval request.
- Contact the college you plan to take the course at to enroll. USC does not enroll you in the class, you must follow the enrollment process of the college you are planning to attend over summer.
Enrolling in GE Seminars with more than 32 units
All freshman are required to take a GE Seminar (GESM) during either their first or second semester at USC.
GESMs are intended for first year students, so only students with 32 units or less are able to register via WebReg. However, we know that many students come in with AP, IB, and A-level credit, which causes you to have more than 32 units.
If you are receiving an error when trying to enroll in your GESM that says the course is not authorized for your class level, please follow the following instructions:
- Choose 3 GESMs that work for your schedule
- Email the GE Office ( to request clearance
- Once you receive clearance, enroll in the course via WebReg
Changing a GESM after classes begin
The GE Office manages the enrollent for GESMs after classes begin. If you’d like to add or change your GESM but need d-clearance, follow the instructions outlined on the GE Course Registration website.
For students in the W.V.T. Rusch Engineering Honors Program, you can request clearance via the d-clearance for the Honors Colloquium via the declared student link above, or via the d-clearance request tool in MyViterbi.
- Not sure what the Engineering Honors Program is? Check out the website to see if you qualify to apply!
Course Conflicts
- Occasionally, two courses that you need will overlap in time. If the overlap is not a substantial amount of time, or it is for a quiz section of a course, many times you can enroll in both courses using a Course Conflict Form. To enroll using a Course Conflict form, fill in the name and email of each course instructor on the form. Once both instructors have signed the form, the Registrar will enroll you in the conflicting course.
Exceeding 20 units in a semester
WebReg will allow you to enroll in up to 20 units without any special permission. If you are planning to enroll in more than 20 units, you will need clearance from your advisor.
- We recommend discussing this with your advisor during mandatory advisement. Be sure that you understand the workload and additional tuition costs.
- If your advisor approves of your course plan, he or she can provide clearance to enroll in the course that causes you to go over 20 units.
Campus Partners Resources
For questions about exam credit:
For questions about double count GEs:
Stay Updated
Viterbi Learning Program (VLP) – Free Tutoring Starting September 8th!
September 3, 2021Apply to be a Viterbi Learning Program (VLP) Tutor!
July 26, 2021Join USC Viterbi’s K-12 STEM Center’s CS Ed Week Activities!
December 10, 2020Viterbi Learning Program (VLP) – Tutor Applications for Spring 2021
November 17, 2020Additional questions?
Check out the Office of Academic Records & Registrar’s FAQ page
Can’t find the answer there? Email your advisor!