AIChE Sustainable Energy Design Challenge

September 18, 2019
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Come out to AIChE’s second annual Design Challenge this year!

This year’s theme will be Sustainable Energy, and will take place over the course of both semesters. The Fall 2019 portion will see you building your own solar cells from a photovoltaic kit (with some added tweaks to make things interesting…), and during Spring 2020, you’ll get to analyze the process or scaling-up your design to an industrial level.

It’ll be a great opportunity make friends, get some hands-on experience, and have fun! This challenge is open to all majors and grade levels, but Chemical, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineers may find this project especially relevant. The next group meeting will be help 10/3 7pm. Fill out their interest form here and they’ll get back to you with more details.

Published on September 18th, 2019Last updated on September 18th, 2019