Viterbi Student Speaker Symposium

October 28, 2019
Featured image for “Viterbi Student Speaker Symposium”

November 5, 2019
5-7 PM

Students are invited to speak about:

  •  Engineering and the public interest
  •  Engineering ethics
  •  Engineering technologies
  •  Engineering history
  •  Engineering research
  •  Other topics of interest related to engineering

To request an opportunity to speak, send an email to with the following information:

  • Title of presentation
  • Estimation of presentation length (may be anywhere
    from 5-12 minutes)
  • 2-3 sentence summary of presentation

Deadline for submission of request: Friday, November 1, at 6 PM

Selected speakers will be notified by Sunday, November 3, at 6PM

Get practice speaking publicly! Build your resume! Have fun!

Published on October 28th, 2019Last updated on October 28th, 2019