Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) Faculty Resource Page
CURVE will culminate with an end-of-year symposium. Students will be expected to attend and present a poster, or record a presentation of their poster, as part of the CURVE fellowship. Expectations for the poster are outlined below.
Student Expectations
- Students are each to make and present a conference-style poster on their project and progress over the semester, with a focus on their individual contributions and development. Each student is to make their own poster, even if multiple CURVE students in a lab share a project. Students who are unable to attend the event live are asked to record themselves presenting their poster (as opposed to recording a talk with slides).
- Judges (Viterbi faculty and graduate students) will circulate during the Symposium to review student posters according to the judging criteria Please review your students' research and posters with them prior to their submission.
- The content and design of student presentations should reflect best practices as defined by your lab, for typical conference or department poster sessions. We are not asking for students to follow a specific template, but please guide students according to your own standards and these criteria.