The second annual Von Kàrmàn Challenge will be held at the Northrop Grumman, Azusa campus on Friday, October 18th, 2019. Teams of Northrop Grumman engineers will present their solutions to “protect Earth from a potential threat of the third kind”. These instruments will complete a series of unique tasks and challenges to earn points.
If you like computer vision, FFTs, 3D printing, music, lasers, light shows, free food and swag, please sign up to attend this year’s event. Note: we’re also looking for interested students to compete in the 2020 challenge. If you want to get the inside scoop and get a leg up on next year’s competition, please attend this year’s event!
For more information on the challenge, check out the Event Flyer
Registration deadline: Friday, October 11th, 2019
Event: Friday, October 18th, 2019
Location: 1111 W 3rd St, Azusa, CA 91702
Register at: Email Katherine.Wang2@ngc.com with the title “VKC Registration”
Published on September 16th, 2019Last updated on September 16th, 2019