#ViterbiAbroad: in London 2020: FAQs

November 3, 2019
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For Summer 2020, the Viterbi Summer Overseas Program is headed to London, England.  Viterbi undergrads will have the opportunity to take USC classes from USC faculty for about 2 months while living and thriving in the UK!
London cityscape featuring iconic landmarks

Reminder: Apps Due Soon!

If you are interested, you only have one week left to apply – the applications are Due at Midnight on Sunday, November 10!

Learn More & Apply!

Some ViterbiAbroad FAQs we have gotten lately:

  1. What University will we be studying in?
    1. This is purely a USC Viterbi program, there is no other university.    You will take classes from USC Viterbi faculty in the Accent facility – but never enroll at another institution.
    2. The History course will be taught by an English faculty member who lives in London locally.
  2. What is the Cost?
    1. You will need to pay for your flights to-and-from London as well as tuition for the courses based on how many units you register for.
  3. Why London?
    1. Because it’s a cool city
    2. It has amazing culture and history
  4. Have you run London before?
    1. Yup…been there many times! The Viterbi Overseas program has been running for over 20 years.  London was actually our first city, then Paris, when we started expanding.  Madrid, Rome, and Florence all followed.
  5. What faculty are going?
    1. We don’t know yet.  Check out our page for the tentative courses being offered.  Once we accept everyone to the program, we will need to determine enrollment.  If there are not enough students interested in a particular course, it will not run (similar to on-campus).  Once we have the courses determined and final enrollment, we can then let our faculty know.
  6. How many students will be going?
    1. We typically have 35-40 students attend the program, but we always make final determinations after applications and interviews have been conducted.
  7. How many applications do you receive?
    1. Around 100 each year.
  8. Do you need to have international experience to be accepted?
    1. Absolutely NOT – we want all types of students to experience this program, regardless of your travel experience.
  9. Who will be on the trip with the students?
    1. Faculty for each of the classes will be living in London while teaching your courses.  Additionally, the Viterbi Admission & Student Engagement office always has one staff member in London with you throughout the program.  This is in addition to the professional staff at Accent, Intl.

Got Any Others?

Post Your Questions below as comments, and we will reply in line!

Published on November 3rd, 2019Last updated on November 13th, 2024