USC Rocket Propulsion Lab Introductory Meeting – Friday, January 21

January 14, 2022
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The USC Rocket Propulsion Lab is the world’s premier high-power student rocketry team, and they want you to join!

USCRPL is hosting their introductory meeting on Friday, January 21st at 4pm on Zoom (Meeting ID: 937 1117 3096; Passcode: 145151). Come by to learn how you can get involved in the exciting work they do in mechanical design, composite materials, embedded systems, and many other cutting-edge fields of engineering that contribute to their entirely student-designed-and-built vehicles. No experience or application is necessary to join, and all majors are welcome. Contact with questions and visit them online at to learn more about their past and current work.

Published on January 14th, 2022Last updated on January 14th, 2022