Next week marks the start of another historical school semester for many reasons, whether it be from starting out completely online to also having a national election in the midst of the semester. Whether we are ready or not, the 2020 national election will occur in November. Here is information on two non-partisan political organizations at USC:
Unruh Associates, the premier bi-partisan political union at USC, will be here to start political dialogue and discussion as well as connect members with political opportunities throughout the course of another election semester. Unruh Associates partnered with the Center for the Political Future, Vote SC, and all of the wonderful political organizations within the Political Student Assembly to host forums, debates, and many engaging events for their members to discover their political identity and their professional path. Unruh Associates has released its application now and will be accepting new associates. Being part an Associate will give one the opportunity to hear a diverse spectrum of political beliefs and experiences in a space that encourages civil discussion. If you want more information about Unruh Associates and where to find the application, here is their new website!
Instagram: @unruhassociates
As a nonpartisan student organization, VoteSC seeks to make voting more accessible to
students by removing barriers and increasing the information available on voting, elections and
civic engagement as well as to promote a campus culture of voter awareness, education,
registration and turnout. Their mission is to increase voter turnout and campus civic engagement. In their inaugural semester in Fall 2018, VoteSC engaged over 2000 students in the voting
process. Their goal for 2020 is to further institutionalize voting on USC’s campus through
administrative partnerships, plan and execute stellar virtual events, and build their social media
IG: @vote_sc
Facebook: Vote SC or @voteusc
Published on August 14th, 2020Last updated on August 5th, 2021