Textbook Exchange Program

April 29, 2021

HomeBase is a newly registered student organization by low-income students for low-income students, unaffiliated with any national organization. We are primarily focused on the needs of self-identified low-income students at USC. We offer opportunities and resources specific to the USC low-income experience, as well as a social space for our members to connect. 

Earlier this semester, we launched our first initiative: a textbook exchange program.  We are taking donations of textbooks to be loaned out to students at USC on an as-needed basis. Students can donate or request a textbook using the form. Available textbooks are listed in this Google Form

If you know of any other resources for receiving textbook donations for low-income students please email homebaseusc@gmail.com.  Any questions can also be redirected to homebaseusc@gmail.com. Our Instagram page can be found here and our website can be found here.

Published on April 29th, 2021Last updated on April 29th, 2021