Maymester 2021: Cosmic Discoveries from Galileo to the Present Time

October 8, 2020
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Junior and senior engineering majors are invited to apply for the Spring 2021 Maymester course ASTR 499: Cosmic Discoveries from Galileo to the Present Time. The course will present our current knowledge of the Universe, explaining how our understanding came to be and how different observations shaped it, from the era of Galileo to the present time. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and have taken PHYS 152/162/172 in order to qualify for the course. If possible, the course will include travel to Geneva and Florence; decisions on Maymester travel will be announced later in fall semester.

For more information, please see:

Published on October 8th, 2020Last updated on October 10th, 2022