Interested in Graduate School? Attend the SoCal Graduate Pathways in STEM Conference, Saturday April 1

March 26, 2023
Featured image for “Interested in Graduate School? Attend the SoCal Graduate Pathways in STEM Conference, Saturday April 1”

SoCal GPS is a free conference held on April 1st, 2023 in the Michaelson Center for Convergent Bioscience (MCB) at USC by the Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA).  SoCal GPS promotes graduate school opportunities to underrepresented minorities, first-generation, and low-income individuals residing in Southern California and neighboring areas. Attendees will participate in informative workshops bringing awareness to the graduate school preparation and application process. Attendees will also be exposed to the professional prospects available after receiving an advanced degree post-graduation in both MS and PhD.


SoCal Graduate Pathways in STEM
Saturday, April 1 | 9am-5pm
Michaelson Center for Convergent Bioscience (MCB)
Click Here to Register for the Conference


Conference Website:


For questions contact Sandra Lara at or Daniel da Costa at

Published on March 26th, 2023Last updated on March 23rd, 2023