Become a volunteer for a VEX Robotics team at Kory Hunter Middle School! VEX Robotics is an educational and fun robotics program for elementary through university students. The Robotics Education & Competition Foundation (REC) sparks interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by engaging students in hands-on, sustainable, and affordable curriculum-based robotics programs. The REC Foundation’s VEX Competitions make up the largest and fastest growing robotics engineering platform consisting of the following programs: the VEX IQ Competition (Elementary and middle School), the VEX Robotics Competition (Middle School and high school) and VEX U (College/University).
VEX Robotics Info Session
Thursday, September 28 @ 5pm
Click Here to RSVP
Learn more about VEX Robotics:
Contact Noe Mora at nmora@usc.edu for any questions.
Published on September 24th, 2023Last updated on September 24th, 2023