Who: Eric Rosenblum of Tsingyuan Ventures and Ray Huang Mauriel Kapouytian Woods LLP
What: Practical Considerations in Cross-border Technology Transfer
With increasing globalization, cross-border technology transfer is accelerating. We are joined by two special guests for a discussion on technology transfer across borders. One brings a perspective as a VC investing in cross-border technology companies and the other as a patent lawyer specializing in cross-border patenting issues. We will open the discussion with an example looking at the AI race between the US and China and how it has evolved as a result of trends towards this global movement of intellectual capital. We will be discussing this “new playbook”– some of the opportunities and associated risks– and its implications for the global technology market. Included in this session will be practical tips and considerations when engaging in cross-border technology transfer, in particular unique issues for cross border patenting.
When: Thursday, December 3, @ 3:00 – 4:00 PM PT
Where: Register here
Published on November 25th, 2020Last updated on November 25th, 2020