Want to help recruit the class of 2024? Become a HOST for Explore USC!
What is Explore USC?
Explore USC is the premiere campus visit program for admitted freshmen. These high school seniors attend one of 10 Explore USC sessions throughout the Spring semester in order to learn more about USC & the Viterbi School and determine whether this is the right school for them.
What is a host?
A host is a current undergraduate student who wants to share his/her experiences with the visiting admitted students during one of the Explore Programs. As a host, you have a unique opportunity to become a leader within Viterbi by helping these high school seniors choose their new home. We especially invite freshmen and sophomore students living in university housing to apply, but we welcome all undergraduate students. Hosts are not expected to be spokespeople for the university, just honest students who want to share their experiences with high school students to help them make their college decision.
How do you apply?
Go to http://viterbiadmission.usc.edu/explore and apply by midnight, February 1st.
For any questions, please contact Stacey Badger at sabadger@usc.edu.
Published on January 24th, 2020Last updated on November 15th, 2024