USC-PCC Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

How to Apply

Next Steps

  • Read through the overview to learn about the program, its benefits, and eligibility requirements.
  • Read through the FAQs to make sure you are familiar of our expectations and answer many of the questions you may have.
  • Read through the Research Positions to determine which ones interest you the most. Many of the positions are interdisciplinary so be sure to look through all of the departments.
  • Gather application materials since you will have to complete the application in one sitting. Please gather:
    • Statement of Purpose: Provide a brief statement on what interests you about research, your academic goals and how you feel the SURE program will assist you in reaching those goals. (500 words or less)
    • Resume/CV (1 page maximum)
    • PDF of your official transcript
    • 2 letters of recommendation from an academic source such as a professor
    • Letter of approval from PCC MNT Leadership


December 10 Application Opens

February 13 Application Deadline

February 16 – 24 Award Notifications Sent

Published on December 9th, 2021Last updated on December 10th, 2021