
The Workshop is the center of the Baum Family Maker Space. Encompassing approximately 2,500 square feet, the Workshop has over 20 workbenches for use by any Viterbi undergraduate student. A wide variety of tools and parts are available for students to use. A limited amount of storage space is available for students to store their work in the Maker Space.

Hand Tools

The Workshop has six storage cabinets, identified on the drawing above by the letters A through F.  These contain tools available for student use.  Students can only use tools for which they have taken the associated training for using the tool.  See the page on Maker Space Training Levels for more information.

The chart below shows where various tools are stored in the cabinets.  Other tools may be aviable in the Machine Shop and the Maker Space staff can assist in locating them.

Allen wrenchesB3Phillips screwdriversA1, A2
Angle grinderE5PliersB4
Aviation snipesC2PolisherE6
Bar clampsC3PunchesD1
Center punchesD1RouterE6
Clamps (C-clamps)C4SanderE5
Clamps (bar clamps)C3SawsD3
Combination squaresE1Screwdriver, PhillipsA1, A2
Combination wrenchesA4Screwdriver, slottedB1, B2
Coping sawsD3Sheet metal cuttersC2
Cordless drillsC5Shrink tubingD5
Crimping toolsD2Slotted screwdriversB1, B2
Dremel rotary toolsE4Socket wrenchesA5
Drill bitsC1Soldering equipmentD6
Electrical suppliesE2TapeE1
FilesD1Tape measureE3
HacksawsD3Torx driversB3
HammersD4Utility knivesD2
Hex keysB3Vise gripsC2
Hot air gunsD5Wire cuttersE2
Hot glue gunsE1Wire strippersE2
Impact driverD5Wrenches, adjustableA3
KnivesD2Wrenches, combinationA4
MalletsD4Wrenches, socketA5


The Maker Space has lockers available for student to store their project if they do not want to take it with them with after each work session. To have a locker assigned, contact the Maker Space staff. They will issue a padlock to be used on the locker. All lockers must be secured by a padlock issued by the Maker Space.
Published on December 10th, 2020Last updated on July 26th, 2023