Viterbi Undergraduate Advising
Taking Summer Courses
Taking Summer Courses at Another Institution
Many students choose to take math or science classes at a local community college over the summer. Please note that GE’s and writing courses must be taken at USC. If you take a math or science course outside of USC that also carries GE credit (i.e. PHYS 151, CHEM 105A, BISC 220) you will not earn the GE credit. Be sure to check with your advisor to see which courses would be good options for you.
If you are planning to take a course at a California Community College, you can view articulation agreements here to find an equivalent course. If you are planning to take a course outside of California or at a 4 year institution, you can use an articulation history site to find an equivalent course. *Not all transferable courses will be listed here.
- Summer courses must be pre-approved. You can access the pre-approval form on MyUSC > OASIS > Course Transfer.
- Check your TCR after you submit your request to make sure the course is equivalent before you enroll.
- You can submit multiple pre-approvals while you are exploring classes. You are not locked into taking a class once you submit a pre-approval request.
- Contact the college you plan to take the course at to enroll. USC does not enroll you in the class, you must follow the enrollment process of the college you are planning to attend over summer.