Defeating Imposter Syndrome Workshop

Workshop Speaker: Trina Gregory

Defeating Imposter Syndrome (Session #1: 10:20-11:15AM)

As a woman working in engineering and academia, Professor Trina Gregory has experienced imposter syndrome and self-doubt but has found ways to thrive. Join her session to learn strategies for belonging in the tech industry.



B.S. Mathematics-Computer Science | UCSD
M.S. Computer Science | USC

Job Title: 

Associate Professor of Information Technology Practice



About Me:

Trina created and now oversees the Mobile App Development minor. She is also an Associate Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Viterbi Office of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She has taught classes in web publishing, information technology, and mobile app development, as well as programming courses in Java, Python, Swift, and Objective-C.

Published on February 28th, 2023Last updated on March 7th, 2023