Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) Fellowship



2022 Viterbi Undergraduate Symposium

Friday, April 29

11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Epstein Family Engineering Plaza 

The Viterbi Undergraduate Symposium provides Viterbi undergraduate students the opportunity to showcase their research and significant works to faculty, staff, students, and industry partners. Presented works may come from senior design capstone courses, honors thesis/projects, student design teams, and research conducted under faculty supervision (e.g. CURVE). Students will present their projects in person throughout the day. 

More information at

Winners of the 2021 Symposium

Vy Ho

Class of 2023
Major: BME

Research Department: BME

Lab: Applegate, Brian- Signal Processing for Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of the Ear

Poster Title: Algorithm to Segment B-scan Images of the Mouse Cochlea

Jessica Zhu

Class of 2023
Major: BME

Research Department: Gerontology

Lab: Irimia, Andrei- Brain MRI analysis, connectomics and machine learning for neuroscience knowledge discovery

Poster Title: Comparison of Fractional Anisotropy Along White Matter Connections in Health vs Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Hannah Rose

Class of 2023
Major:  ECE

Research Department: ECE

Lab: Bogdan, Paul- Covid-19 misinformation, SARS-CoV-2 viral analysis, complex networks, machine learning and artificial intelligence

Poster Title: A Network Approach to Misinformation Dissemination in News Articles and Tweets

Yifan Xue

Class of 2022
Major: Mechanical

Research Department: ECE

Lab:  Nuzzo, Pierluigi- Self-Driving Vehicle Testbed

Poster Title:  Efficiency Evaluation of RL Training Models in Quadcopter Attitude Control

Mohammad Khan

Class of 2022
Major: Mechanical

Research Department: AME

Lab: McArthur, John- Value function maximization for waypoint placement

Poster Title: Intelligent Waypoint Placement for Aircrafts

Jude Sorkin

Class of 2024
Major: Aerospace

Research Department: AME

Lab: Spedding, Geoffrey- Virtual Experiments on Low Reynolds Number Wings

Poster Title: Creating Steady Flow Over Airfoils using Cheaper Wind Tunnel Alternatives

Shuyang Zhang

Class of 2022
Major: CSCI

Research Department: Computer Science

Lab: Koenig, Sven- Multi-Agent Path Planning

Poster Title: ML-Guided Prioritized Planning for Multi-Agent Path Finding

Wardah Jabeen

Class of 2023
Major: Computer Science

Research Department: Computer Science

Lab: Ren, Xiang- Post-hoc Explanation Demo for Deep Learning Models in Natural Language Processing

Poster Title: How Well Can a Machine Learning Model Do with Continuous Stream of Real Text Data from Various Years?

Published on May 4th, 2021Last updated on April 25th, 2022