Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) Fellowship
Computer Science Research Positions
Project Titles
** Please note that all lab positions for CURVE have been filled for the 2022-23 academic year. **
Grounding Language in Actions, Multimodal Observations, and Robots (GLAMOR)
Faculty / PI: Jesse Thomason
Research Website:
Lab Description: We bring together natural language processing and robotics to connect language to the world (RoboNLP). Our lab is broadly interested in connecting language to agent perception and action, and lifelong learning through interaction
Faculty / PI: Heather Culbertson
Research Website:
Lab Description: The Haptics Robotics and Virtual Interaction (HaRVI) Laboratory explores how humans interact with our world, robots, and technology through touch. The goal of our research is to create natural and intuitive interactions that realistically mimic the touch sensations experienced during interactions with the physical world. We design novel haptic hardware and rendering algorithms to improve the usability of technology, increasing people’s social connectedness, ability to complete specific tasks, and immersiveness in virtual reality. Our research has a strong focus on integrating human perception into all steps of the design process.
Information Session Recording
Intelligent Decision Making Group
Faculty / PI: Sven Koenig
Research Website:
Lab Description: Sven is interested in intelligent systems that operate in large, nondeterministic, nonstationary or only partially known domains. Most of his research centers around techniques for decision making (planning and learning) that enable single situated agents (such as robots or decision-support systems) and teams of agents to act intelligently in their environments and exhibit goal-directed behavior in real-time, even if they have only incomplete knowledge of their environment, imperfect abilities to manipulate it, limited or noisy perception or insufficient reasoning speed. He believes that finding good solutions to these problems requires approaches that cut across many different fields and, consequently, his research draws on areas such as artificial intelligence, decision theory, and operations research. Applications of his research include robotics and video games as well as transportation, planetary exploration, supply-chain management, and crisis management (such as oil-spill containment).
Interaction Lab
Faculty / PI: Maja Mataric
Research Website:
Lab Description: The Interaction Lab focuses on developing computational principles, techniques, models, and interventions to enable socially assistive human-robot interaction that supports human health and wellness. Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR) uses non-contact social interaction interventions involving social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities of users, toward improved wellness, communication, learning, and autonomy. The Interaction Lab conducts research in an interdisciplinary SAR arena that uses computing, engineering, and human user studies to characterize, model, and understand complex human behavior. Our projects aim to contribute insights and individualized tools toward mitigating pervasive societal challenges—including skill training for autism, anxiety, and depression coping, rehabilitation, and healthy aging —that require sustained personalized support that supplement the efforts of caregivers, clinicians, parents, and educators.
Language Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition Lab
Faculty / PI: Muhao Chen
Research Website:
Lab Description: The Language Understanding and Knowledge Acquisition (LUKA) Lab is directed by Dr. Muhao Chen. Our research focuses on data-driven machine learning approaches for Natural Language Understanding (information extraction, natural language inference, QA, multilingualism), Knowledge Technologies (knowledge acquisition, consolidation, transfer), and AI for the common good (applications to biology, medicine, software engineering, and geoinformatics). Our long-term goal is to develop robust, generalizable and minimally supervised knowledge-aware learning systems that help machines understand nature.
Modeling and Simulation Group
Faculty / PI: Andrew Gordon
Research Website:
Lab Description: The Modeling and Simulation Group creates immersive and informative experiences that support warfighter training and operations. The group employs researchers, domain experts, creative writers, and professional game designers in order to develop content that is as engaging as it is instructive. It has successfully transitioned a number of its advanced prototypes to the DoD, including DisasterSim, a number of strategic training games for the Naval Postgraduate School, and the One World Terrain 3D pipeline.
Networked System Lab
Faculty / PI: Ramesh Govindan
Research Website:
Lab Description: Founded in 2002, our laboratory conducts research on the design and implementation of a wide range of networked computing systems.
Faculty / PI: Luis Garcia
Research Website:
Lab Description: USC/ISI's STEEL lab was founded in 2012 under supervision of Dr Jelena Mirkovic. It is currently led jointly by Dr Mirkovic, Dr Genevieve Bartlett and Dr Christophe Hauser. Its members perform cutting-edge research in cybersecurity and testbed experimentation.
Information Session Recording
USC Center for AI in Society
Faculty / PI: Bistra Dilkina
Research Website:
Lab Description: The primary goal of the USC Center for AI in Society is to develop, test, iterate, and demonstrate how AI can be used to tackle the most difficult societal problems. We believe that this can best be achieved by a genuine partnership between computer science, operations research, social work, and community organizations. USC CAIS is a joint venture between the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. When we consider what problems to tackle, we focus our efforts on low-resource communities both here in the United States and globally. Currently our projects focus on 7 core areas: (1) homelessness, (2) suicide prevention, (3) substance abuse treatment and prevention, (4) conservation and sustainability, (5) promoting health and well-being, (6) disaster planning and community resilience, and (7) fairness, equity and bias.