Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) Fellowship

Astronautical Engineering Research Positions
Project Titles
** Please note that all lab positions for CURVE have been filled for the 2022-23 academic year. **
Project Title: Advanced Space Propulsion Research: Laboratory Experiments
Faculty / PI: Joseph Wang
Lab Name: Laboratory for Exploration and Astronautics Physics
Department: Astronautical Engineering
Research Website:
# of Freshmen Positions: 0
# of Continuing Student Positions: 1
Project Description: This project is to support ongoing space propulsion research at Prof. Wang’s laboratory.
The selected student will work with Ph.D students on experimental studies of electrospray propulsion and advanced monopropellant propulsion.
Student Responsibilities: Carry out laboratory experiments and support Ph.D students in numerical/experimental studies of space propulsion
Interview Required? Yes
Skills and Competencies (Preferred)
- Hands-on laboratory experiment experience
- General machine shop skills
- Very strong background in physics and multivariable calculus
- Experience working with vacuum chamber systems desired
Project Title: Advanced Space Propulsion: Numerical Simulations
Faculty / PI: Joseph Wang
Lab Name: Laboratory for Exploration and Astronautics Physics
Department: Astronautical Engineering
Research Website:
# of Freshmen Positions: 0
# of Continuing Student Positions: 1
Project Description: This project is to support ongoing space propulsion research at Prof. Wang’s laboratory.
The selected student will work with Ph.D students on numerical simulation studies of electrospray propulsion and advanced monopropellant propulsion.
Student Responsibilities: Carry out physics based modeling studies and support Ph.D students in numerical/experimental studies of space propulsion
Interview Required? Yes
Skills and Competencies (Preferred)
- Computer programming experience
- Programming language beyond Matlab (e.g. C/C++, Python, etc)
- Very strong background in physics and multivariable calculus
Project Title: Lunar/Space Environmental Interactions
Faculty / PI: Joseph Wang
Lab Name: Laboratory for Exploration and Astronautics Physics
Department: Astronautical Engineering
Research Website:
# of Freshmen Positions: 0
# of Continuing Student Positions: 1
Project Description: This project is to support ongoing research at Prof. Wang’s laboratory on lunar science and/or space environmental effects. The selected student will work with Ph.D student mentors and may choose to focus on one of the ongoing projects based on the student’s interest and skill set. Potential focus areas include dust interaction effects on lunar surface, plasma/charging interaction effects on lunar surface, spacecraft contamination, etc.
Student Responsibilities: Carry out numerical simulations or laboratory experiments and support Ph.D students in numerical/experimental studies of lunar environmental interactions or space environmental interactions
Interview Required? Yes
Skills and Competencies (Preferred)
- For students interested in modeling studies: Computer programming experience Programming language beyond Matlab (e.g. C/C++, Python, etc)
- For students interested in laboratory experiments: Hands-on laboratory experimental experience and general machine shop skills
- Very strong background in physics and multivariable calculus